Get a taste of an entirely new world when you experience this Firey Magic Ayahuasca kit. You don’t have to be gathered around the fire in the deep jungle of Brazil to experience the magic of this concoction; this kit can be delivered right to your mailbox with ease. This is a powerful substance meant for spiritual people to transcend this world and experience other worlds.
Hallucinating and getting high doesn't necessarily have to be an overly-stimulating, fun experience. This kit is for true spiritual people and individuals looking for answers to their deepest question. Discover the beauty of this Fiery Magic kit; order now.
Ingredients are from Brazil:
Psychotria Viridis dryed leaves. Our fresh leaves come from the most powerful Brazilian strain “ Rainha Preta “ or “ Black Psychotria”. They are carefully dried in the shade to the optimum condition, so it`s always smeling very fresh and without crumbly leaves.
Syrian rue (Peganum harmala).Contains the Harmaline alkoloid. Their properties derive from MAO-inhibiting beta-carboline alkaloids, making it usefl as an ayahuasca admixture.
* Syrian rue (Peganum harmala)
* Chacruna (Psychotria viridis)
* detailed instructions
Usage of ayahuasca kit 3:
A common preparation method, which is easier on the stomach and causes less nausea in general than ayahuasca #1 is to make a hot water infusion. (see below recipe)
Recipe of ayahuasca kit 3:
Warnings for ayahuasca kit 3:
Ayahuasca or anahuasca can be very dangerous when combined with certain foods or other psychoactives that are totally harmless when taken by themselves.
Ayahuasca is not a party drug. Use it in a quiet, familiar environment, preferably with a sitter, a sober person that can take care of you. Do not use when pregnant, lactating, depressed, psychotic, operating motorized vehicles or heavy machinery, or in combination with alcohol or medicines. Not to be used by minors.
Be gratefully for the experience, Independently of how it turned out. There are always lessons to be learned, if it worked or not, if you had a “good or a “bad” trip!